April 7, 2016

My Skincare Story (So Far)

My skincare didn't always look like this.

I spent most of my life checking the skin type box: oily.

It was a natural choice since my skin wasn’t dry, aging or combination. I had three choices and it seemed natural to chose just one.

I never really gave that choice much thought until about five years ago. That is when I discovered that my skin had become sensitive. 

I became aware of my sensitive skin when I was bitten by a mosquito (common occurrence in the summer in the midwest) and instead of the usual itchiness with slightly raised skin I found the area swollen to the size of a golf ball and itchier than ever. Then after a few hours my golf ball turned beet red. The swelling went down and after a few days the red spot that was left turned to bruise purple and then faded away after about a week.

This was a wake up call about my skin. I officially had sensitive, reactive skin.  In the years to follow I developed dry cheeks with an oily t-zone and began to buy products to address my new box: combination skin.

I always gauged how my skin was doing by the amount of breakouts I had. I never really suffered from severe acne but would developed a spot here or there. I just always thought I would address my occasional pimples and then when I got older I would address wrinkles.  Skincare was as simple as that.

It was that simple until I began to experience clogged pores.

One early spring, as I began to accept my sensitive skin and seasonal allergies (something I had never had before) I found my skin to be so congested with clogged pores that I was no longer able to cover them with makeup. Previously I had been able to slather my skin in heavy foundation and this served to smooth my skin. I now call this the mask. But I could no longer us the mask to cover my clogged pores because they were so raised and so multiple that my skin seemed to have a permanently bumpy texture.

I didn’t know what was going on. Were they breakouts, because they didn't respond to treatment like acne. What the…?

And then I began to breakout more. I had your run of the mill active spots but now I started to have deep under the skin hormonal, cystic acne that never came up to the surface but managed to inflame the area enough that I was left with dark spots once it finally decided to flatten out.

At this point my mind was racing with all the possible triggers, and researching your problems on the internet doesn’t always help to shed light on the situation.

I started to focus more on how to make sure all my makeup was removed and started to incorporate an oil cleanser into my routine. I had learned out them from watching youtubers like  bubzbeauty and Michelle Phan and it felt special to use a product was wasn't so readily available on the western market.

I also learned a little bit about active ingredients AHA and BHA and incorporated them into my routine. I noticed some improvement when I added a BHA wash and a AHA cream into my routine but I needed more.

My first true foray into skincare came in the form of a three step acne routine from Murad. Not only was this the first time I had stepped out of the drugstore for my skincare but it was also the first time I started to really think about what I put on my skin. My box had now expanded from combination to combination/acne.

Zoey's skin type is decidedly furry

The Murad really seemed to whip my skin into shape and I stopped having so many breakouts.  The bumps were still there but they seemed under control. Sometimes I added in a new toner or moisturizer to mix it up and I started to use eye cream. I used a lot of Face Shop products then and some Etude House. I had started to buy Asian oil cleansers on Amazon and these other brands began to pop up in my recommendations. I had tried sheet masks before and really credit youtube for introducing me to these brands and products.

For nearly a year I was dedicated to my Murad until another spring rolled around and my clogs multiplied again. 

I figured that it was something to do with the change in season and if I just stuck it out my skin would go back. That summer I developed a red, scaly and itchy patch on the back of neck which I determined to be psoriasis. Well by the end of that summer I was desperate, I ditched the Murad and began to use a natural skincare line called L’bri. This line was dedicated to using gentle natural products with a focus on high quality aloe vera. My skin loved the natural products and my psoriasis patch seemed to calm down when I used the products on it. Things seemed under control again but now I began to see other things that I wanted to address with my skin like sun damage, dark spots and eliminate my clogged pores.

My exposure to Korean brands like Etude House, The Face Shop and Innisfree lead me to Korean skincare. I began to read numerous blogs about extensive routines and miracle, holy grail products. I was hooked. 

I started off small and made some mistakes in my choice of products, but I chalk it up to a learning experience. I used a few products from Laniege, because I had seem them extensively highlighted on youtube (the power of influence!) but found that something in the products irritated my skin. This was one of many learning experience on my k-beauty journey.

I then found my way to Benton Snail Bee products and had what I would call a revelation when I discovered there was such a thing as dehydrated skin. I was no longer stuck with trying to chose between oily and dry, and being underwhelmed with the combination skin box.

Knowledge is power. I have learned that I have dehydrate skin that is oily and sensitive. I struggle with the clogged pores and learned that I needed to shed my shell.

Coming to terms with my skin type

My name is Kelly and I am dehydrated, congested, sensitive with an oily t-zone and dry u-zone.

I am more than a box, I am complex and unique. K-Beauty routines address that. They may seem extravagant and unnecessary to the outside eye but for me it has allowed me to break out of the box and take control of my skin.

March 2, 2014

Draw My Week!

I finally upgraded my faithful old droid phone to a brand new Samsung Note 3.  Oh. My. Phone.  This this is awesome half phone, half tablet, all I can say is I am in love.  One of the major features of the phone is the stylus that gives you the capability to write on the screen.  And draw.

That is where the idea of draw my week came in.  I have to be honest, sometimes the words just don't come to me for blogging and instagram is great for capturing a moment of your day in an image but honestly I rarely have time for it.  My phone has a drawing program and I thought, why not draw an image that represents my day and post it on the blog?

So here is my week in pictures!
Monday - Feeling spring is almost here!
Tuesday - Need a sweet treat to get me through, good thing there is a French cafe nearby!
Wednesday - Text message from the boss this morning.  Grammar may have been altered...
Thursday - Negative 20 windchills, winter is still in full force
Friday - New Girls Generation Mr. Mr. Video!!!!! Shoshi sone for life!

February 2, 2014

On The Hunt

As I sit down to write this blog I have this giant macaroon pastry tempting me!

It was pretty awesome

So yummy, so unhealthy!

An integral part of having a makeup/beauty/fashion addiction is the hunt.  How do I describe the hunt…?  It is easy for one to just collect or haul lots of makeup, but eventually one gets to the point where just buying a lot of things just doesn’t do the trick anymore.  Like any addict you have to up the ante.  Once you have a lot of something, more of that certain something just doesn’t do it anymore.

That is where the hunt comes in.  The hunt is when you begin to look for that one product that fills the void in your collection.  Now it can’t just be any product but rather that rare, different, unique or hard to obtain product that makes your heart race. 

And you can’t just buy the product.  You have to yearn for it, build the suspense, merely buying it would kill the thrill of the hunt.

And do I bring you my current list of things I am currently pinning for.

Tarte LipSurge Skintuitive Lip Tint

I also love the watercolor floral pattern

This glossy lip crayon reads your lip PH and warmth of your lips to adjust to the perfect shade of pink!  Omgosh you guys a color changing lipgloss!  I definitely do not own anything like this in my collection and it most certainly is a charming gimmick.  I wonder if it is like those rings we wore as kids, and changes with my mood.  Either way this stuff is awesome and I tested it out at Ulta, this stuff truly does deliver a unique shade to each person.

Etude House Water Color Blusher in Lavender
Lavender for your cheeks!

Such a cute package

Okay so how cute is this gel blush in a ‘paint tube.’  I love when package is cute or unique.  Package is a big thrill for the makeup addicted.  Anyways this blush is not only cute but an unconventional color to boot!  I have been rather obsessed with lavender blush since I heard that it can make you look more youthful.  Now I had reserved that honor to baby pink blushes but lavender is supposed to play the youth game much better than pink.  I’m intrigued by this color and I can’t wait to try it out for myself.

Too Faced Chocolate Bar

Oh yeah
Such beautiful colors

This palette is made out of cocoa powder!  And it smells amazing.  I would be tempted to taste test it… just kidding… maybe.  But seriously this palette is gorgeous and too faced eyeshadows are one of my favorite formulas.  Smooth, richly pigmented, buttery, blendable chocolate… on your eyes!  I just can’t even explain it.  Plus the packaging is adorable and I would expect no less from too faced.

Those are the little beauties that have made my addicted little heart go pitter-pat lately.

What items have you been obsessing over lately?

Not sure if you are addicted to makeup?  Checkout my makeup addiction test below.

January 26, 2014

January Favorites

This month I have been trying to embrace straighter hair.

January was the month of being a shut in.  I’m serous, it was so bitterly cold here that leaving the house was just not a good idea.  Like windchills that were 30 below cold.  So frankly the outside world really held no appeal to me.  This month’s favorite were definitely the favorites of an Arctic shut in.

My first favorite would have to be moisturizing products.  30 below windchills mean some seriously dry air.  I have really been loving my Hada Labo hyarulonic acid moisturizer, the one product that has really saved my dry and sensitive skin.  I have also been loving the mojito lip balm from this months ipsy bag.  It does everything that my beloved aquaphor does but it also seems to last longer and soothe better.  I also feel like this stuff plumps my lips up a bit too, which isn’t a bad thing.  But I have to say, the big superstar product of the month was Aussie 3 minute miracle, this was recommended by a friend and has seriously made a 180 degree improvement in my hair.  I actually feel like my hair is back to being healthy after only a few uses of this bad boy.  A haircut and replacing my regular conditioner with this little miracle has been exactly what my dehydrated and fried hair needed.

Super Moisture Power
Being a shut in has made me more dependent on the internet.  Internet shopping has been my addiction lately and modcloth has been my drug of choice.  This site is so freaking cute!  I adore the vintage vibe the clothes have and I can’t stop browsing this site.  They have all the cute little dresses my heart desires.  Of course with the brutal weather, purchasing these little babies right now wouldn’t be the wisest decision.  But I am longing for some of these goodies, and they are making me dream of the balmy days of spring.
How Adorable is this Dress?

Of course netflix has been my savour in this frigid month.  Honestly the invention of netflix instant steaming has made it so easy to not want to leave the house.  You guys serious, the best stuff is on netflix now!  Obviously I gotta mention Gossip Girl.  Blair Waldorf is my spirit animal and non stop streaming of her epic fashion choices has been a little bit of bliss in this bleak month.  Watch season 1 and tell me that she isn’t perfect.

It must be the uniform chic that I love so much.

The serial killer we all can relate to.
 On the other side of things, all seasons of Dexter, everyone's favorite serial killer, have been added and is my current viewing pleasure.  Although, I would advise skipping the last season because honestly it is a disgrace to the Dexter legacy.

Movie wise I loved watching The Brass Tea Pot with Juno Temple and I think Amanda Seyfried was stunning in Lovelace.

Well guys, those were my January favorites!  I’m hoping for some more sunshine and slightly warmer temps in February! 


October 7, 2013

How to be a Smart Mall Shopper

This week I want to talk about how to be a good retail shopper.  Fall is here and the holidays are almost upon us, and you might be feeling like your wardrobe needs a little updating.  In this post I’m going to share my hints and tips for being a smart shopper at the mall.
LOFT shirts I bought 40% off

1. Make a budget.  This may seem simple but it is extremely important.  Part of being a smart shopper is being financially smart, and setting a budget is the best way to do this.  Before your shopping trip, figure out an amount that you are comfortable spending and make sure you stick to it.  If you aren’t very good at staying within your budget, you might consider taking that amount of money in cash and leaving the credit cards at home.  Once the cash is gone you won’t be able to spend more.

2. Shop on the weekend.  This is the best time to shop because most stores run their best promotions on the weekend.  The weekend in the land of retail starts on Friday and ends on Sunday (although some retailers will start their weekend promos on Thursday).  Retailers run their best promotions when the most people are in the mall and more likely to walk into their store, so they use tempting promotions like 40% off full price items to lure you in.  Although you will most likely be shopping with the crowds, you will be getting a better deal.  Here’s a tip: In my experience, Friday night is often the least busiest time during the weekend, so if you must avoid the crowds, Friday night might be the best time to do so.

3. Sign up for store email lists.  If there are certain stores you can’t get enough of, sign up for their email lists.  You will always be the first to know about their steals and deals and some stores even give you a coupon just for signing up!

40% off skirts from Banana Republic (email told me about this sale)

4. Go in with a purpose.  In order to be a smart shopper, you need to know what you are looking for.  Knowing that your wardrobe needs some new sweaters or dress pants is going to keep you focused and lower your chance of making an impulse purchase you will regret.  Of course, you must keep an open mind about the items you need.  If you go in with too specific an idea of the exact item you want, you probably won’t find it and will end up rather disappointed.

5. Try on clothes in the store.  I know it seems like a chore, but you have to try clothes on in order to truly know what is going to work on you.  I always try on everything I buy and I rarely end up having go through the hassle of returns or regret my purchases.  It only takes a few extra minutes, but it saves me an extra trip to return the item.  If you aren’t too keen on deciding what looks good on you, ask a friend you trust to shop with you or ask a sales associate what they think. I know some people are afraid to ask a SA for help, but remember it’s their job to help you.  Many are very helpful and nice and if they get too pushy about making a sale just tell them straight that you really are only interested in the item you have.

6. Don’t always look for the cheapest deals. It’s really easy to get sticker shock when shopping and it makes the sale section a lot more appealing.  But getting into the fall season most of what is on sale is not going to serve you much of a purpose since most of it is leftovers from the summer.  Fall might actually be one of the hardest times to shop the sale section of your favorite mall store.  Instead of the sale section look at the full price items when they are on a promo.  I tend to buy items that are full price when the store has a 30 or 40 percent off sale.  This way I can get the clothes I need when I need them and not have to pay the full price on the tag.  There is certainly nothing wrong with buying sale items, but you have to be diligent and not just taken in by the cheap price.  Really question the sale pieces you do buy: are they in season?  Will they fill a hole in your wardrobe?  Are they quality pieces that will last?  How many outfits can you make using the new item with pieces you already own?  Come to think of it, these are great questions to ask yourself of any piece you buy, regardless of the price.
After trying on this dress from Limited I knew I would be able to style it many different ways

7. Consider quality before price. I try not to look for the cheapest deal but rather the best quality I can afford.  Here is an example: I like to buy sweaters made with more than 50 percent wool and try to avoid sweaters made of acrylic or more than half man made materials.  Why?  Wool and merino wool in particular tend to last you for many many years when cared for correctly.  They are also warmer but breathable which keeps you comfortable in the cooler months.  Acrylic is a man made material that many cheaper sweater are made of and make the sweater warm but not breathable, making you feel sweaty and uncomfortable pretty quickly.  Acrylic and materials like it tend to pill and do not have the durability that wool has therefore making wool a better investment in the long run.  This is obviously just one example and not a hard and fast rule but knowing what makes a garment a quality item is going to make you a much smarter shopper and give you a wardrobe that will last you for years.  Things I don’t mind spending more money on for sake of quality include sweaters, jeans, blazers, jackets and shoes.  Things I like to save on include handbags, tees and layering pieces.

8. Look at the store website before you shop.  This will help you out if you are short on time.  You can scope out the pieces that interest you and then go to the store and be able to bypass all the stuff you don’t need and get straight to the items you do.  If you look online you might also find a better deal than in store.  Check it out at the store first and if you still like it and online has a better price, go home and order it.  I also know some stores might honor a better online price in order to get your purchase in store.  You may want to ask nicely if they can do that for you.  Worst thing they can say is no.

9. Make sure you are clear on return policies and if things are final sale or not.  This will help keep you from buying on impulse now and ending up with un-returnable merchandise later.

Obviously I'm loving this shirt to pieces!

10. Have fun!  Shopping should be fun and not a chore. Enjoy your trip and don’t feel like you have to buy something.  Sometimes half the fun is just looking.

Check out this week’s video that features all the clothes I bought for fall using the tips above!

Keep Life Cute!

September 30, 2013

Welcome to my Blog! What's in My Purse?

I wasn’t sure how I would start this blog. I knew that I wanted it to be an extension from my youtube channel but I wasn’t sure exactly what that meant. Would I post mostly about makeup? Reviews and looks that just didn’t make it to camera? Would I post more personal stories and pictures from my everyday life? I really could decide. But I realized that I would probably do all that and more here.

So how to kick off my first blog post with all that in mind? How about with what’s in my purse! I think what we keep in our purse can tell a lot about us and I think that is a really great way to start my blog. Some of you have watched my videos on youtube and some of you might stumble across this blog from other places, so I think it is fitting to start with a little more info on me. So of course we must start with the picture.

This is my purse and everything in it at this time. (Of course I omitted the crumpled receipts and gum wrappers.) The bag is from Franceca’s. I saw it in the window quite a few times and finally decided to make it mine. Seems kind of large for an everyday bag, but I’m the type of girl who has to carry her life around so the size suits me just fine. What this picture doesn’t show you is the shoes I cram in here when I have a long day in heels ahead of me or the lunches (and sometimes dinners) that I bring with me to work. As you can guess, I need my everyday bag to go the extra mile for me.

My planner is a must for me. I currently work two jobs, both with varying hours, so this helps me know where I need to be and when. I used this one for my last semester of college and I liked it because there was plenty of space to write my readings and papers and important due dates. But when it comes time to buy a new one, I would like to find something smaller since I won’t need to worry about midterm due dates! I try to always have a pen with me, this one is orange. What can I say, I like color.

Of course I love my lipgloss and often have more than these three in my purse. I like choices but mostly I never clean out my bag, so one gloss goes in, but none ever seem to come out. I guess I’m a secret goo hoarder. I often swear off purchasing more glosses until I finish some that I already own, but that hasn’t been so successful. And obviously keys are a must. I try not to be too much of a janitor and keep the keeps to a minimum, but one cute key chain is a must in my book. This one reflects my love of coffee. My wallet is from coach and it is probably about 7 years old. This is when the Poppy line from coach first came out and I really liked all the colors, at the time it was something very different from what Coach usually did. Currently I am on the hunt for a new wallet, this one has served me faithfully but it is time for a change.

The red sunglasses are prescription and are from Entourage of 7, which is a boutique line out of LA. I think these glasses are super cool and funky, they feel very 70’s to me. The black sunglasses are cheapies from target that I wear when I have my contacts in.

And of course my cellphone. Mine is a droid (2 or 3 I can’t remember). I only wish it had the loops for cellphone charms! I want a cute phone! So that’s what’s in my purse. If this was too much reading for you I made a video! I talk about the same stuff but with more detail, plus you get to meet my puppy!


Hope you all are well!  Keep life cute,
